Flash Chenille
Mop flies have gained a fearsome reputation in reservoirs, managed fisheries, and even in the wild. Here at Semperfli, we've taken the concept of the mop fly and elevated it to new heights with our innovative creation: Mopster™ Chenille.
We began by meticulously measuring the diameter of various mops, striving for a consistent size that ensures uniformity in your fly tying endeavors. Then, we forged an entirely fresh chenille, replete with multicolored guard hair tinsels that elegantly protrude from the core. What sets Mopster apart is the tinsel – it not only imparts mobility but also adds an extra layer of allure, making your mop fly look nothing short of spectacular.
In our signature color palette, Mopster flaunts a spectrum of shades hitherto unexplored by fly tyers who once resorted to pilfering household mops. From vibrant Fluoro colors to timeless classics like adams and tan, Mopster is the embodiment of the future of the mop fly.
Our innovation isn't just theoretical; we put it to the test with young fly tyers and experienced fly fishermen who, perhaps secretly, have turned to mop flies. The results were astounding – Mopster Mop Chenille consistently enticed a multitude of fish.
Give Mopster Mop Chenille a try, and who knows, it might become your not-so-secret weapon for fishing success. Elevate your game with Mopster, the mop fly redefined.