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Fly Tying Tungsten Beads Heads

    Fly Tying Tungsten Beads Heads

  • Round Beads
  • Dumbell Beads
  • Cone Beads
  • Offset Beads

    Tungsten Bead Sizes

  • 1mm - 1.5mm
  • 2mm - 2.5mm
  • 3mm - 3.5mm
  • 4mm and Much More!

Tungsten Beads

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  • Turrall's Fly Tying Flu Pink Tungsten Cone Heads Beads


    Tungsten Flu Pink Cone Head Beads

    Turrall's Fly Tying Flu Pink Tungsten Cone Heads Beads   Finest tungsten coneheads. Great for use on Sea Trout and Salmon flies. Helps the angler get the fly down to the fish quicker. Available in sizes: Medium 5mm Large 6.5mm 10 x TUNGSTEN...

  • Turrall's Fly Tying Flu Green Tungsten Cone Beads


    Fluo Tungsten Green Cone Heads Beads

    Turrall's Fly Tying Flu Green Tungsten Cone Beads Finest tungsten coneheads. Great for use on Sea Trout and Salmon flies. Helps the angler get the fly down to the fish quicker. Available in sizes: Medium 5mm Large 6.5mm 10 x TUNGSTEN CONEHEADS PER PACK



    Gold Tungsten Cone Beads

    Finest tungsten coneheads. Great for use on Sea Trout and Salmon flies. Helps the angler get the fly down to the fish quicker. Available in sizes: Medium – 5mmLarge – 6mm 10 x TUNGSTEN CONEHEADS PER PACK

  • Turrall's Fly Tying Black Tungsten Cone Beads


    Black Tungsten Cone Heads Beads

    Turrall's Fly Tying Black Tungsten Cone Heads Beads Finest tungsten coneheads. Great for use on Sea Trout and Salmon flies. Helps the angler get the fly down to the fish quicker. Available in sizes: Medium 5mm Large 6mm 10 x TUNGSTEN CONEHEADS PER PACK

  • Sold out


    Gold Tungsten Off Set Beads

    Gold Tungsten Off Set Beads   These precision engineered Off beads are off set so that when used on any fly it will fish point up avoiding snagging or dulling of the hook point. These beads effectively turn any hook into a jig style so is perfect...

  • Precision made Tungsten Beads. Drilled with a tapered hole. All with non-tarnishable finishes. Use for heads and bodies on flies. Precision made Tungsten Beads. Drilled with a tapered hole. All with non-tarnishable finishes. Use for heads and bodies on flies.


    Black Tungsten Beads

    Turrall's Fly Tying Black Tungsten Beads   Precision made Tungsten Beads. Drilled with a tapered hole. non-tarnishable finishes. Use for heads and bodies on flies. Tungsten beads are a popular and effective component in fly tying, particularly for...

  • Tungsten Beads Gold


    Gold Tungsten Beads

    Turrall's Fly Tying Gold Tungsten Beads Precision made Tungsten Beads. Drilled with a tapered hole. All with non-tarnishable finishes. Use for heads and bodies on flies. Available in sizes: Micro – 1.5mm Small – 2.4mm Medium – 3...


When using tungsten beads, it's important to match the size of the bead with the hook size and the overall weight of the fly pattern. This ensures proper balance and a natural presentation. Tungsten beads have become a staple in fly tying due to their ability to improve the functionality and effectiveness of various fly patterns. Tungsten beads are a popular and effective component in fly tying, particularly for nymph and streamer patterns. Here are the reasons why fly tyers use tungsten beads Tungsten is a dense and heavy material. Tungsten beads add weight to your fly patterns, allowing them to sink quickly in the water column. This is especially beneficial for imitating nymphs and other aquatic insects that naturally reside underwater.

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